Google recently launched the Pixel Watch 3 as its first smartwatch available in two screen sizes. The company also showed off a variety of compatible straps and bands to fit any occasion and style. However, an unannounced “Performance Loop Band” for the Pixel Watch 3 series has been spotted and could be available soon.
Switching between bands in modern smartwatches goes beyond aesthetics. There are bands specially designed for sports, being more comfortable and suitable than bands for casual styles. Even among sports bands, there are different types and formats. For example, a simple silicone band is not the same as a band with perfect elasticity for certain activities.
Pixel Watch 3’s Performance Loop Band is designed for runners
As spotted by 9to5Google, there’s an Amazon listing for a Pixel Watch 3’s unannounced band. Called the “Performance Loop Band,” it seems to target those looking for maximum comfort and better fit while running. According to the listing, the band is “micro-adjustable” to ensure a perfect fit every time. It is made of “Recycled polyester, nylon, and elastane yarn band with stainless steel lugs.” Plus, it is suitable for wrists of around 137-203mm.
The listing has been available on Amazon since July 7, but no one noticed it. However, there is no information on when the band will be available for purchase. Currently, the product page is labeled as “Temporarily out of stock.” Interestingly, the title mentions that it is “only compatible with the 45mm Pixel Watch 3.” This likely doesn’t mean that the Performance Loop Band will only be available for the 45mm Pixel Watch 3 model, but that there will be a separate listing for the one compatible with the 41mm variant.
The source suggests that the Performance Loop Band could cost around $49.99. Lastly, it won’t be exclusive to Google’s latest smartwatches, as you’ll also be able to use it with the Pixel Watch 1 and 2.
The post Pixel Watch 3’s unannounced band for runners spotted on Amazon appeared first on Android Headlines.