Qualcomm will launch the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 chip in October during the upcoming Snapdragon Summit event. Previous leaks have revealed key details about the SoC. Now, a new report claims that Qualcomm is prioritizing efficiency over raw power in the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4.
The Smartprix report shows an alleged Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 datasheet with several specs and confirms that it will be available in two variants. Over the past couple of years, Samsung has been getting a slightly overclocked version of Qualcomm’s latest flagship mobile SoCs for its “Galaxy Ultras.” It seems that the company will stick to its strategy with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4. The standard model has the model number SM8750, while the “for Galaxy” variant is labeled as SM8750P.
The Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 would focus on efficiency and AI
According to the source, while the chip will bring a decent power boost, it won’t revolutionize things. This is in line with a leaked Geekbench listing where the chipset scored lower than previously expected in multi-core tests. For reference, the latest benchmark shows a multi-core result of 8,840 points, while initial expectations were for over 10,000 points.
So, at some point during development, the company would have decided to focus on efficiency and sustained performance. Still, its latest benchmarks put the chip above the more powerful Apple’s Bionic one. Qualcomm will use TSMC’s 3nm process to produce its new flagship SoC. Plus, the company will once again implement custom cores for the first time in years. More specifically, we will find the Oryon cores debuted in the Snapdragon X lineup for ARM laptops.
The report also claims that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 will raise the bar in terms of AI processing. There will be an improved Qualcomm Sensing Hub for audio, camera, and sensor features, as well as for on-device generative AI tasks. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 4’s CPU is said to use a 2+6 architecture with 2x premium cores (4.0 GHz) and six “efficiency” cores at 2.8 GHz. It is also said to feature a new Adreno 830 GPU and a new Qualcomm FastConnect 7900 modem. Xiaomi is expected to debut the chip in the flagship Xiaomi 15 series.
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